Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Philanthropy research


  • Philanthropy- an act done, typically by giving up something, to better a cause.
    • Donating
    • Raising money for a charity
    • Volunteering 

  •  Andrew Carnegie put over $56 million into 2,509 free public libraries.
  • He invested all of this money for the purpose of people learning on their own.
  • Both Rockefeller and Carnegie gave money to causes to better the people.
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York
    • Founded in 1911
    • "To promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding."
  • The Carnegie Dunfermline Trust
    • Founded in 1903
    • Dedicated to bettering the social conditions of Carnegie's hometown
  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    • Founded in 1910 
    • Nonprofit organization dedicated to research, education, discussion, and Publication on international affairs.
  • The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
    • Founded in 1905
    • Teachers pension fund
    • in 1918 it established the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Focused on improving the opportunity for equal rights and more successful futures.
  • I would invest in helping animals and the lives of strays or abused animals because I like animals and it's a good cause to get involved with.


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