Friday, March 8, 2019

2.7: Mid-Semester 2 Reflection

1. I think it was important to see just how much immigration affected the society in the 19th century, and how people reacted to it. Immigration was part of the cause towards urbanization which is interesting to see how people took to the new arrivals being equals.

2.  I think the most important thing I've learned about immigration is how it affects the American society, and what kinda of events have resulted from immigration.

3. The two most challenging in my opinion would be health issues, and how we got along with each other. I think that Americans today have greatly improved both of these issues. Health risks are definitely lower and much rarer to find in these urban cities, and while people don't always see eye to eye there aren't lynchings in the street over a disagreement.

4. The transforming of the Highline from a junk railroad to what it is now is a Progressive idea because Progressivism is all about taking something that can be improved upon, and making it better. This is why taking an old, unsightly railroad and making it a modern landmark of the city is a progressive idea. Some examples that could be found on the Highline are the benches and chairs on the Highline and how they're made while parts that look nice but yet still fit into the railroad aspect. Also how they change the art every several weeks instead of leaving the same pieces up the whole time.

The Highline could also be seen as going against Progressivism because once the movement was started to build the Highline many political figures jumped on board. Progressives are typically against political influence in any way, and the movement to keep the Highline standing took away an opportunity for a lot of money for construction workers who could take it down.

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