Thursday, October 18, 2018

Paraphrase Practice:
"Some historians have argued that Lincoln’s personal beliefs underwent a significant change during the last year of the Civil War, and Lincoln did in fact suggest to the reconstructed government of Louisiana in 1864 that “very intelligent” black men and “those who have fought gallantly in our ranks” might be given access to the ballot box. As depicted by the film, during the 1864 Presidential campaign Lincoln threw his support behind passage of the 13th Amendment and was active in securing its passage in 1865."

My paraphrase of this selected passage:
Historians have debated how Lincoln's moral outlooks changed during the final year of the war. Along with how in 1864 Lincoln attempted to persuade Louisiana for blacks who'd fought in the war, and were "intelligent" to vote. At the time Louisiana was a reconstructed government. The movie shows that while Lincoln was attempting to obtain votes for the election of 1864, Lincoln was all in for the 13th Amendment and stayed that way until 1865 when it was ratified. 

1 comment:

  1. You've got a really long sentence that could be shortened. I like the different words but the structure of the ideas remain pretty much the same. I might have switched it up to make it more interesting, but you did capture the meaning very well.
