Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Movie review paraphrase

Lee Thomas
D block
Image result for 12 years a slave

Original paragraph:
"It’s on Epps’s plantation that “12 Years a Slave” deepens, and then hardens. It’s also where the existential reality of what it meant to be enslaved, hour after hour, decade after decade, generation after generation, is laid bare, at times on the flayed backs of Epps’s human property, including that of his brutalized favorite, Patsey (Lupita Nyong’o). Mr. Fassbender, skittish and weirdly spiderlike, grabs your attention with curdled intensity. He’s so arresting that at first it seems as if the performance will soon slip out of Mr. McQueen’s control, and that the character will become just another irresistibly watchable, flamboyant heavy." 
( New York times movie review)

My Paraphrase:
We see the movie "12 Years a Slave" become more engaging as we arrive with Solomon at Master Epp's plantation. This is where we really see what life was like as a slave, and for many of them this was their whole life. Master Epp's is portrayed as a vicious slave owner, with his main victim being his best cotton picker, Patsey. Michael Fassbender's (Master Epps) acting style throughout this film really captivates the viewer for the whole time. His aggressiveness within his scenes makes us think that his character will go off script at any moment and become a character we can't take our eyes off of. 

1 comment:

  1. The paraphrase makes it much easier to understand the actual review, but it feels like some information is left out.
