Friday, September 7, 2018

History of the American Flag

1. The current US flag has 13 stripes and 50 stars on it, but it wasn't always like that. It started out with the 13 stripes like we have now but instead of stars it had a smaller British flag (British Union Jack) in the top left corner of the flag. this was used by George Washington on New Years day in 1776 when he put it at the top of Prospect hill when the British attacked. It eventually grew into having 13 stars of the colonies, and continued to add stars as the country grew.

2. Like previously stated, the first american flag had 13 stripes, and the British Union Jack in the top right hand corner. The flag was later changed to have 13 stars in place of the Union Jack, this version of the flag is when the name Old Glory arises. From 1777 to 1960 the flag would undergo many changes, mainly the amount of stars added as our nation grew in the number of states we have.

3. The only changes tot he flag that I could find were the first change which was the replacement of the union jack with the 13 stars, and the addition to stars as states were added to our country.

A) I feel like the flag is a symbol of the men and women that have fought and died for this country, what we did to obtain freedom and why will fight to keep it. If you had asked me a couple of years ago if everyone saw the flag in the way I do I would've thought that everyone agreed on the meaning of it, but recently we've had people who associate the flag with racial or gender inequality. Now we have professional athletes kneeling during the national anthem in protest. I think majority of people within the US see the flag as a symbol of freedom and think of the men and women who fought for it, but there are some who don't appreciate the flag, country, or people who fought for it. 

B) Old Glory from what I could find was the first nickname for the flag, it has become more popularly known as the Star-Spangled Banner. Francis Scott Key wrote the song Star-Spangled Banner in 1814 and it later became our national anthem in 1931.

C) Many songs about the flag discuss the meaning behind the flag like the brave men and women who fought for the country, and how our flag represents our freedom across the nation.

5. Americans still put the flag at half staff on days of tragedy within our history, which shows a respect for the flag, this is also another reason for for not allowing the flag to touch the ground, out of respect for soldiers and past occurrences within our countries history.

6. I see the flag any thing of men and women who fight for us, this itself could be controversial if a person does not agree with a war, or with any conflict. Many people say the flag is racial, which is the argument behind players kneeling during the national anthem, so even though I don't agree with that, people still use it as a item of controversy.

-History of the flag
This site was useful, because it shows special events in which the US flag was used
-Evolution of the flag

1 comment:

  1. You are missing the required illustration - remember it needs to have a caption (descriptive) that is hyperlinked to its source. Your sources also need to be annotated. That means, next to each linked source you need a statement describing what that source was useful to you for. Depending on how you discuss your research in the body of the text, you need to add more or less annotation.
